So, I had to find some solutions , talk alone was no pleasant , so I started to rec my voice with my phone and make video record with my laptop which was good for awhile but so boring after some time. Was frustating for me untill I discovered skype , at the beginning I used it only for chatting , I had add many native english speaker by skype community and also from various language exchange websites.
So , I started to make normal call and videocall by skype with native speaker from everywhere , the first time that I did a call, barely I was able to speak a word , that was shocking for me , but I said to myself , " keep going , don't give up " , and call after call my spoken became fluent more and more ultill I was able to talk with a guy from Yorkshare for hours without any trouble.
Right now still I'm doing videocalls by skype two or three time at weeks , 90% of the people whereby I talk , saying that my english is very good and was impressive how I did all by myself , only the 10% said that my english is not good but were all fussy teachers about perfect grammar and speak , never I have had problem with most of people , so , I think is a good average , I'm proud about it.
So , in oder to start , you need only of skype and some languages exchange websites where you can find some language partner , don't scare if at the beginning you are uncorfortable about your conversation ability , will improve every weeks, don't be shy.
Right now I have many contact on my skype and still I'm doing call about two or three time at weeks , I prefer videocall because are more fun .
One more thing , albeit nobody can teach you english better of a native, you can practice also with not native people, provided that speak a good english .
I have two king of people in my skype :
1 Native eng people who are interesting about learn my language ( italian ) , so we settle the videocall in this way , we talk for half hour in english and half hour in italian , or they talk in english and I answer in italian or viceversa , in this way we help each other.
2 Not native eng speaker who are not interesting about learn italian, but are studying eng and want practice their conversation skills , so talking in english together we help each other also here.
Remember that is not only a language exchange, is much more that that , you are doing also a cultural exchange , so let's talk with people from America , UK , Australia, China , Spain , Brazil , everywhere and grow your culture.
If any of you are interesting about skype with me , my skype is leonardo.barone8
You are welcome....
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