The test is split in two pages , one of common words , and the second with more difficult words, complete it and watch your score.
Usually most of adult english native speaker know about 20.000 - 35000 words , it's a huge amount of words that we don't need to reach, instead how also the website report, most of the foreign english learners fall in the range 2500 - 9000 words.
When two years ago I did the test for the first time , my score was about 3500 , and I was able to read most of the english articles avaible on the web already.
Today I did it again and my actual score is 8800, not bad ,it's a good result , one time you will reach it you will able to read the 99% of the articles avaible on the web , you could have some problem only if you try to read some incomprensible english science text , lol , I guess you don't need to read it.
I will try to hit 10.000 next year and 12.000 in the future, it's a good goal.
It's curious to see that in the aforementioned website are listed the following statistics, that is if you enroll in private english course, you could learn :
1500 - 3000 words in one year
4000 - 6000 words in four or six years
8000 - 10000 words in eight years
Well , considering that I learned about 8000 - 9000 words in four years , it's clear that the method that I followed was two time faster and of course ten time more fun.
I recommend you to do the test at least one time every two or three months , probably you will see that your vocabulary increase every month , don't rush the things trying to memorize one hundred of words at day , not work in this way , think in long term results , learning also only eight words at day could seem nothing , but in three years are 8760 words, a lot.
Enjoy your Vocabulary Test, have a nice day.
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