In the morning I surfed a bit in internet among some of my favourites websites, then I had read again for awhile one book that I liked too much one year ago.
Before lunch I did a quick videocall with a girl from Miami and in the afternoon, because I have had some spare time in my work place, I spent some time chatting with a friend from San Francisco on Facebook and with one other person from London by Skype, I did all this from my phone, ops , I forget , also I sent some voice message by Facebook and because I had my headset with me I watched also a bit of interviews about my favourite actors.
When I comeback at home, just before dinner I played with Videogame for awhile and after dinner I started to watch the only sport that I'm following right now, UFC mixed martial arts, you can bet a hand that the comment was in english.
And for ending the day I watched a good movie, but before to go at bed , I listened some of my favourites songs.
If I would been able also to have at least half hour of conversation with a english tourist meanwhile I walked in my town this morning , would been great , and if I weren't too old for read comics and watching cartoon , probably I would have used also them, ok , can't predent so much , despite this was been a very good day of immersion, this is what I meant when I said , " if you can't go in america , you can bring the america at you " .
All this stuff took about five hours, the good thing is that my brain didn't perceived it like work or studying , so I could do it every day without getting boring after some days, for me work better in this way then listen a lot of podcast where I'm not interesting about what people are saying or listen and repeat some audiobook where the way which people talk is so far from real life.
You should try it , probably you could discover that learn english is less complicated then you thought.
I think , when you want learn a language , the most important thing is a full immersion in it , especially listening , study grammar is not useless , but for me has been too much overhyped so far, is not a basic thing , it's perfection , that mean when your english will be good , you could sharpen it taking grammar lessons, provided that you are interesting about it.
But why listening is more important then studying ?
Well , you have to think at children , they start to talk before go in the school or kindergarten , because they hear everyday their parents talk.
I noticed this phenom also in my workplace , when I was in one other department , there were some men that came from Senegal , these men never took any Italian lessons , despite this after some years was able to talk in Italian without too much problem , albeit their pronunciation and grammar was far from perfect , of course they did , they were forced to listen Italian people talk every day. Now , you have to consider that learn Italian is very hard because the high amount of verbs, so , if these men were able to learn italian by themself why you couldn't do the same thing with english ? Probably the method that I adopted ,would not work with one other language where grammar is very hard , like German for example , I don't know , never have try , but I suppose not , I think work with english because the grammar is very easy.
I wish you a nice day.....
Any comment would be welcome, please feel free to write what you think.