This is the second part dedicated at how using Videogame for learn english, so, with what kind of game I should play ?
There are many genre of VG for sale and every type could work, even sport game where meanwhile you play you can listen the commentator talk in english just like you do when you follow your favourite sport ( read here ) , anyway my favourites are action adventures, because I think are better suitable for learn english , especially those that have a lot of cut scenes.
Usually these games are multilanguage and have four or five different languages both for audio and subtitles , and english is always avaible.
How I said before , you should set the audio always in english , and depending at which level of english you are, set the subtitles in this way :
The same method that I adopt when watching movies ( read here )
When I play , on my left side I have my phone ready with google translate , so if playing I run in to some new words that I never
have hear/read before, I put in pause the game and check the meaning of that word, it's a great thing because in that way it's easier for your brain memorize new words , because you associate the word at one particular situation or fact that happen in the game, also because your curiosity to discover what mean that word in order to understand what happening in the game, in this way you are able to memorize well every new word that you meet, somebody call this method mental association, and it's more effective then classic school methods where you are called for read and memorize a long list of random words, whom You are able to remember only the 5% .
You shold play with any game you like , but let me show you which game was been more usefull for me so far , all these game have a thing in common , thay have a lot of cut scenes , somedoby don't like when in a videogame there are too much cut scenes because a game should be a game and not a movie , and I totally agree with him , anyway when it's question to learn english , a lot of cut scenes come in your favour, this is my list :
TOMB RAIDEN : I never was been a fan of this serie but the last one was very good , I liked the new design of Lara Croft, also graphics and gameplay was well made , but what I especially liked was the new voice of Lara , the new british dubber Camilla Luddington was awesome, more you like the way which a english dubber speak , better is for you.
THE WALKING DEAD : this one is an survival horror graphic adventure based on Robert Kirkman's book series, it's split in chapters and the game is strongly focuses on character development , there are a lot of cutscenes and quicktime events , the amount of spoken here is huge, this is a good opportunity for improve your english.
MGS Peace Walker : Metal Gear Solid is a stealth game series created by hideo kojima , every chapter had a lot of cutscenes inside and many people complained about it, among all the chapters that I played my favourite is Peace Walker, beyond be an awesome game, the cutscene were in comics mode, very funny.
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