Hello guys , I'm comeback , how is going your english ? My improves every day , two weeks ago
I went in the shop for buy a new playstation 4 ,you know that my favourite way to learn is by videogame, because in my opinion is the most complete way to learn , infact if with music and movies you learn only to listen and read ,with videogame you can learn to read, write, listen and talk , even all together in the same time , if you think about it, it's the more fun and complete way to learn , but let take a look about this console,always I'm excited when a new device is released, because I know that often a new technology mean new way to learn , so , I will show you some new interesting features.
The first one is , " LIVE FROM PLAYSTATION " , if you go there you could see many people around the world make a cam, try to find only who talk in english , enjoy it , you can see him/they
but their can't see you , that is a good thing if you are shy , so , in these cam people talk in english about everything and there are many users that send messages at them , so , listen what the guy in the cam are talking about and read the chat messages that the users send to him
lunedì 28 aprile 2014
domenica 20 aprile 2014
Talking again about videogame , today I will explain you why for me free roaming game are awesome for learn english , even much
better then classic action adventures for example , the last free roaming game that I played was Grand Theft Auto V , it's the most famous brand in videogame industry, some people don't like it because their say there is too much violence inside , but in my opinion there isn't more violence then when you watch a action movie where the protagonist play the bad guy role, if you like this kind of game and you want learn english, it's a powerfull combination. But , why this game was so awesome for improve my english ? Well , this is what happened when I played with it : I was soak in a huge world , whoever in his life played at least one time at this sort of videogame he have a vague idea about how much wide could be the field, in this example we have a field of game big three time the real city on Manhattan, not bad , in one part of this virtual world there is a big city called Los Santos , what I like about these virtual cities is that the developers when make it they take ispiration by real city , infact Los Santos looking like
better then classic action adventures for example , the last free roaming game that I played was Grand Theft Auto V , it's the most famous brand in videogame industry, some people don't like it because their say there is too much violence inside , but in my opinion there isn't more violence then when you watch a action movie where the protagonist play the bad guy role, if you like this kind of game and you want learn english, it's a powerfull combination. But , why this game was so awesome for improve my english ? Well , this is what happened when I played with it : I was soak in a huge world , whoever in his life played at least one time at this sort of videogame he have a vague idea about how much wide could be the field, in this example we have a field of game big three time the real city on Manhattan, not bad , in one part of this virtual world there is a big city called Los Santos , what I like about these virtual cities is that the developers when make it they take ispiration by real city , infact Los Santos looking like
giovedì 17 aprile 2014

The test is split in two pages , one of common words , and the second with more difficult words, complete it and watch your score.
Usually most of adult english native speaker know about 20.000 - 35000 words , it's a huge amount of words that we don't need to reach, instead how also the website report, most of the foreign english learners fall in the range 2500 - 9000 words.
When two years ago I did the test for the first time , my score was about 3500 , and I was able to read most of the english articles avaible on the web already.
mercoledì 16 aprile 2014
You know , always I looking for new fan way for improve my english , if you like learn english by music, (read here) you should absolutely take a look at this website, Yabla , it's very well made,
after chose the language that you will learn , you can listen music with double subtitles , one in your native language and one other in the language that you will learn , of course if you are here , english is what you are interesting for.
I tried it for some months and was good , I could listening various english songs with eng subtitles , I could understand the 99% of the english subs and also in the rare case that I don't knowed some words, doesn't matter because below there where secondary subtitle in italian language , so , no way to not understand the liryc , besided you have also the possibility to slow down the song if it's too much fast for you , when you do it , also the subtitles slow down, very fun, furthermore there are also many usefull gadgets, like the integrated dictionary..
But is much more that that , not only music ,because you could do the same with tv program, interview ,documentary and so on, the service is not free, anyway there are some free demo that you can try, before to decide if join.
Let me know what you think about it.
I tried it for some months and was good , I could listening various english songs with eng subtitles , I could understand the 99% of the english subs and also in the rare case that I don't knowed some words, doesn't matter because below there where secondary subtitle in italian language , so , no way to not understand the liryc , besided you have also the possibility to slow down the song if it's too much fast for you , when you do it , also the subtitles slow down, very fun, furthermore there are also many usefull gadgets, like the integrated dictionary..
But is much more that that , not only music ,because you could do the same with tv program, interview ,documentary and so on, the service is not free, anyway there are some free demo that you can try, before to decide if join.
Let me know what you think about it.
martedì 15 aprile 2014
So , you should totally avoid english lessons ?
Yes , if you completely hate it , otherwise you could follow occasionally some of it , like I do.
Sometime I like take a look at some grammar for write better for example and I like follow some free english lessons videos on youtube , just look for a teacher who is not too much old school or boring , looking for enjoyable teachers , how the amazing Ronnie for example , I love this one...
lunedì 14 aprile 2014
This is the second part dedicated at how using Videogame for learn english, so, with what kind of game I should play ?
There are many genre of VG for sale and every type could work, even sport game where meanwhile you play you can listen the commentator talk in english just like you do when you follow your favourite sport ( read here ) , anyway my favourites are action adventures, because I think are better suitable for learn english , especially those that have a lot of cut scenes. Usually these games are multilanguage and have four or five different languages both for audio and subtitles , and english is always avaible. How I said before , you should set the audio always in english , and depending at which level of english you are, set the subtitles in this way : 1 IN YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE IF YOU ARE A BEGINNER 2 IN ENGLISH IF YOU ARE AN INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 3 WITHOUT ANY SUBTITLES IF YOU ARE AN ADVANCE LEVEL The same method that I adopt when watching movies ( read here ) When I play , on my left side I have my phone ready with google translate , so if playing I run in to some new words that I never
There are many genre of VG for sale and every type could work, even sport game where meanwhile you play you can listen the commentator talk in english just like you do when you follow your favourite sport ( read here ) , anyway my favourites are action adventures, because I think are better suitable for learn english , especially those that have a lot of cut scenes. Usually these games are multilanguage and have four or five different languages both for audio and subtitles , and english is always avaible. How I said before , you should set the audio always in english , and depending at which level of english you are, set the subtitles in this way : 1 IN YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE IF YOU ARE A BEGINNER 2 IN ENGLISH IF YOU ARE AN INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 3 WITHOUT ANY SUBTITLES IF YOU ARE AN ADVANCE LEVEL The same method that I adopt when watching movies ( read here ) When I play , on my left side I have my phone ready with google translate , so if playing I run in to some new words that I never
venerdì 11 aprile 2014
Likely , most people practice some kind of sport and follow it in tv, this is one other fun opportunity to learn english guys , all that you have to do is make sure that the comment is in english , very simple, it's important that you like the sport that you want follow , don't do the mistake to follow in english a sport that you never would have followed in your native language , don't force anything , never .
My father was a fan of NBA , I joined with him for watching some match , fortunately the commentator was talking in english, anyway NBA never enchanted me very much , neither soccer , you know what you are thinking now , " what ? you are a italian man and you don't like soccer ? " , lol , sad but true, always I prefered combact sports , before I was a boxing fan , but the lack of champions pushed me to give up about watching it , right now the only sport that I'm following is mixed martial arts , it's regarded the most growing sport in the world, maybe will be famous also in italy one day.
I like the commentators Joe Rogan and Bill Goldberg , really I like these two guys when commenting a fight they are able to make it more exciting, thank you to these two men I learned a lot of common slang currently using in US just following my favourite sport, also I listened many podcast about Mr Rogan, I like the way which him talk in english also if sometime is hard for me understand because often talk fast and use so many slang.
By the way, doesn't matter what kind of sport you are following , whatever sport you like , you can use it for learn english , albeit It's a pity that you can't use subtitles like you do when watching movies, don't care , still it's a good exercise.
giovedì 10 aprile 2014
In the morning I surfed a bit in internet among some of my favourites websites, then I had read again for awhile one book that I liked too much one year ago.
Before lunch I did a quick videocall with a girl from Miami and in the afternoon, because I have had some spare time in my work place, I spent some time chatting with a friend from San Francisco on Facebook and with one other person from London by Skype, I did all this from my phone, ops , I forget , also I sent some voice message by Facebook and because I had my headset with me I watched also a bit of interviews about my favourite actors.
When I comeback at home, just before dinner I played with Videogame for awhile and after dinner I started to watch the only sport that I'm following right now, UFC mixed martial arts, you can bet a hand that the comment was in english.
lunedì 7 aprile 2014
Hello guys , how you doing ?
I hope you are making progress following my advices , today I will talking about one other fun way to learn english, which I think is not enough argued , at least not how it deserves. You should know that among all my methods for learn english , my favourite is play Videogames. I bet now , you are thinking " what the hell you are talking about " ? or " how I could learn english by Videogame ? " Ok, let me explain , first and foremost if you not have read my post about movies , I suggest you to do it , because almost work at the same way , ( read here ), then you can use also Videogame for train your listening skills. If you like play videogame and you want improve your english , you are lucky , it's not important with which console you play , sony playstation , microsoft xbox or ever Personal Computer , doesn't matter , even you could use a little device like a phone or a portable console, albeit in my
I hope you are making progress following my advices , today I will talking about one other fun way to learn english, which I think is not enough argued , at least not how it deserves. You should know that among all my methods for learn english , my favourite is play Videogames. I bet now , you are thinking " what the hell you are talking about " ? or " how I could learn english by Videogame ? " Ok, let me explain , first and foremost if you not have read my post about movies , I suggest you to do it , because almost work at the same way , ( read here ), then you can use also Videogame for train your listening skills. If you like play videogame and you want improve your english , you are lucky , it's not important with which console you play , sony playstation , microsoft xbox or ever Personal Computer , doesn't matter , even you could use a little device like a phone or a portable console, albeit in my
venerdì 4 aprile 2014

So, I had to find some solutions , talk alone was no pleasant , so I started to rec my voice with my phone and make video record with my laptop which was good for awhile but so boring after some time. Was frustating for me untill I discovered skype , at the beginning I used it only for chatting , I had add many native english speaker by skype community and also from various language exchange websites.
giovedì 3 aprile 2014

People in real life talk in different way , faster , use slang and something shorten words and phrases, so probably you are unable to understand them if all of what you listened was only audiobooks and podcast, I chose to find a more fun and usefull way for improve my listening skills.
Always I'm been a very appassionate about american movies and since I started to watching it in original language rather that in Italian language my listening skill is improve a lot but in the beginning you need to use subtitle , you can divide it in three steps :
1 Watching eng movies with subtitle in your language
2 Watching eng movies with eng subtitle
3 Watching eng movies without subtitle
I have to say that worked very well for me and learned many kind of slang currently used in real conversation nowdays, right now I can follow a british movies without any problem , but still I need of subtitle with american movies , because american talk very fast and shorten some sentences, sometimes is hard to catch the words, I think a person should be at a very hight level in order to understand at 100% hollywood movies without any sub , but is my goal.
There aren't only movies , you can do the same thing with your favourite sitcom,fiction or show.
Another fun way to learn....
why don't take advantage of all this time for learn english ? After I had set the language of my Facebook in english , I sent a lot of friendship request to many native english speaker , added people from Miami , San Francisco, London , Melbourne ,from everywhere, they were all people that never I had know before , anyway most people accepted my request , was great because my timeline on my FB started to be full of native speaker who everyday posted something or shared some video about their city , of course all in english, I daily sent message at them and I was used to comment their posts, so , at least my time on facebook wasn't a waste of time anymore ,every day I sent messages or chatted with these people and posted my status, at the beginning was only basics sentences " how are you " , " where you from " , but after awhile my phrases started to be complex more and more, was been a good exercise , I reccomend you to do the same, enjoy your social network.
martedì 1 aprile 2014

1 Simply start to set every device you have in english , your phone , your deckstop pc , your laptop ,
your alarm oclock , your console ( if you like play videogame ) .
Buy a english calendar and take it in your room , you could take also one agenda and when you have to write something do it in english ( shopping list , monthly budgets , appointments , whatever you want ) .
2 If you daily read website , stop to do it in your native language and replace with english , you should start also to write in some forum for drill your writing skill , doesn't matter if at the beginning you are unable to write long post , nobody will care about it.
It's important that you like the website that you are following , should talk about some of the your favourite hobbies or something like that.
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